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Out with SMELLS!

This is the first of a series of articles I will be publishing on Home Truths: good old faithful remedies that will sort out everyday dilemmas in and around the house. If you have trusted family secrets on the subject, please feel free to email it to me to share with our readers. I […]

Eat your veggies!

I love gardening. It’s in my blood and the passion has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. However, unlike my mother and aunts, I don’t walk around a nursery and name each plant by its biological name but are more interested in the layout and landscaping side of gardens. There is […]

Indoor Herb Garden

I have for a long time been singing the praises of growing your own herbs – they have so many uses not only food, but also as insect repellants, gift decorations, home remedies and loads of other things.  During the winter though, unless you prefer to use the dried herbs that no doubt hangs from […]

Gentle giant: The Delicious Monster

The giant leaf of the Delicious Monster plant is making its debut on everything from scatter cushions to furniture design. Give the monster a home in your house and combine it with a lovely retro side table like this one. Use as a single stem in an oversized vase to make an impression. carolinemclagan The Monstera […]

Wonderful wood

If like me you grew up with the fairytale Pinocchio you probably also have a fascination with wood. It’s a beautiful living element in the home that also creates a sense of warmth. Especially if left raw so that the true beauty of the medium – its grain – shows.  Herewith ten ways of incorporating […]

12 things I learned in home-ec.

I think it won’t come as a great shock when I say that I had home-ec in high school. It wasn’t a particularly popular subject, except when we did practicals when all the boys would line up at the door to share in the spoils. But what most people don’t know, is that home-ec is […]

Popular Posts: Nursery Essentials

In an ideal world, we all have the small fortune to walk into our favourite designer baby furniture store and buy everything that our nesting hearts desire. But the reality is that very few of us are privileged enough to be able to do that. The baby industry – not unlike the wedding industry – […]