A couple of years ago I did this post about baking Christmas Tree Cookies with my little boy – then 2.5 years old. I remember how he loved getting his hands into the dough -and especially the licking-off bit! Even though we won’t hang cookies on the tree this year, it’s such a fun thing to bake with your kids – this is definitely on the agenda for the holidays! I am confident both my boys will love it.


Ouma Ellen’s Cookies

(Adapted from my good old trusty Cook & Enjoy)

8cups flour
1/2 tea spn salt
500g butter
1 1/2 table spn bicarb
1cup jam (I used marmalade – YUM)
2cups sugar
(Unless you want to decorate a few trees, it’s better to half the recipe).
Preheat the oven to 190° C.
Rub the butter into the flour. Mix the bicarb with a bit of the jam to get it going. Add the sugar to the rest of the jam and the bicarb mix, and add it to the flour mixture.
Knead until a soft dough forms. Roll out to about 6mm and use a cookie cutter of your choice.
Bake for 15mins.
Wait till cool before decorating with glaze (icing sugar and a drop of water), piped icing, silver balls or anything else you can think of. String up and hang up!

little chef

Step 1: Mix the dough as described above.

 cookie press

Step 2: Cut out the cookies using star shaped-cookie cutters.

snack break

Step 3: Stop for a snack break!

holy stars

Step 4: make small holes in the cookies for the ribbons to go through.

hot cakes

Step 5: Bake en let it cool

all stars

Step 6: Decorate with ribbon, glaze and icing gel pens.

  hanging pretty

Step 7: Hang!

   nom nom

PS: don’t hang then too low, or their points may disappear into the mouths of hungry toddlers! 😉

Happy Baking!

germarie 200px

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