Home Makeover: From Shoddy to Holiday Destination with Dulux


Every space, big or small, has the potential to be something magical. And when Dulux launched their colour of 2019, Crème Brulee, and asked us to create said magic, we knew a little rondawel on Germarie’s farm was going to makeover heaven very soon. We didn’t grasp how many hours of painting would have to […]

How to do a Quick Room Makeover on a Small Budget

room makeover

We moved our two eldest boys into a shared bedroom a year and a half ago when their baby brother was born. At the time, I was completely preoccupied with the nursery, so their bedroom didn’t really get any attention. As with all the rooms in our home though, I get to a point where […]

Providence Cottage: From Garage to Guest Accommodation on a Budget

providence cottage

At long last, the cottage on the farm is done! I have been working with a team of builders, contractors, handymen (and not-so-handy men) and a throng of other people over the winter to get this tired old cottage ready for the summer tourist season in the Franschhoek Valley. Here’s how I turned a garage […]