Every once in a while, I go on a complete throw-out and declutter rampage. My husband has by now learned that he should stay out of my way when these periods of craziness occur, but my boys are not so well-trained in Mommy Madness yet. During these times, nothing is sacred. And I have often regretted throwing out a pair of shoes that I have not worn for 5 years, only because I have found a suitable opportunity at last. But I always feel so much better after I have cleaned up and cleared out that the regrets are bearable.
We are going to be dedicating the whole March to decluttering, streamlining and sorting out. And of course, that all-time favourite of anyone who has a home and a slight tendency to hoard: STORAGE. I don’t know of anyone who thinks that they have enough storage. I certainly don’t, but that’s because I have too much stuff.
But I do find that whenever my mind becomes too full with all the balls life throws my way, a good clean-up of my physical environment, my home, really helps. And with the world on a crazy and unpredictable path at the moment, it is more essential than ever that we start with a good cleanup at home. So here are my top 4 tips for sorting things out. Try it – you will feel calmer, more focused, less stressed and certainly, lighter!
1. You have to be in the right mood
There is no point forcing yourself to declutter when you’re not in the mood. Sorting out and making decisions on what to let go and what to keep is heavy stuff! Make sure that you’re rested, healthy, and ready for action. And if you are feeling particularly nostalgic, better to move on and wait for another day.
2. Get the family involved in the cause
Throwing out doesn’t only mean putting things in the garbage. It means giving away things that are still good but which you no longer use. Clothes, kitchen utensils, books, furniture – all of these things can be used by someone else. And ask your kids to take a long hard look at their toys – if they are not playing with it anymore, give it someone who will get enjoyment out of it!
3. Pack stuff away
Clutter in your home has the amazing ability to prevent you from having a clear mind. And it also collects loads of dust. So unless you want to have a cloudy mind and a dusty home, just pack stuff away. And yes, you probably DO have enough storage space and I will help you to maximise what you’ve got during this month.
4. You don’t have to display everything you own
Aside from the above-mentioned dust issue, it becomes really boring if you have the same stuff on display all year round. Pack away all the little bits and bobs and just choose 2 or 3 things to display at a time. When you are bored of that, pack it away and get something else out. To keep an eye on my quick styling make-overs this month, follow me on Instagram!
Now that we have set the tone for the month, let the decluttering begin!
One Response
ohhh wow..!! It has been love the way you used Wooden Effect Tiles in your home.
Wood Effect Tiles looks just amazing on floor.